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"Thought-provoking, insightful and fun workshops, delicious food and deeply relaxing meditations. A secure non-judgemental space of peace, sharing, and complete comfort. Shamanic healing, trance dance, tai chi, fire ceremony, and star gazing left me feeling complete and recharged. I am very much looking forward to the next one."
― Claire


Empowered Women Rising Retreat
6th - 9th October 2023

Transform your relationship with yourself and other women; on this retreat you will dive deep into radical self-love and acceptance, you will also begin to undo conditioning that has caused us to see other women as competition. With a variety of methods you will go on a beautiful journey and ignite a spark of love within yourself. Closing the weekend with a beautiful ceremony to heal the sister wound you will leave knowing unconditional love for self and others and hold a redefined view on what it means to be a woman in this world.

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